- 従来のIgG抗体を用いた実験のように、IP抗体に由来する軽鎖や重鎖のコンタミネーションを生じません。
- 厳しい洗浄バッファー条件にも適合します。
- 目的タンパク質以外の宿主細胞由来タンパク質への非特異的結合が少なく、低バックグラウンドの精製が可能です。
- フロースルー画分に目的タンパク質が認められない、非常に効率的なプルダウンを実現します。
- 親和性が高いため、低発現量のタンパク質に対しても効率的に結合します。
- インキュベーション時間を短縮できます(30~60分)。
- 組換え(リコンビナント)抗体として産生され、様々な検証が実施されています。
- 免疫沈降(IP)、共免疫沈降(Co-IP)
- Co-IP/MS
- オンビーズ法によるアッセイ
- ChIP(クロマチン免疫沈降)/RIP(RNA免疫沈降)
- Split-蛍光タンパク質アッセイ

Nano-Trap(左)と従来型であるProtein A/G結合IgG抗体(右)を用いた目的タンパク質(POI)の免疫沈降。Nano-Trapでは、単一バンドで目的タンパク質の鮮明なバンドが得られ、従来型とは異なり軽鎖や重鎖由来のバンドは観察されません。
バックグラウンドが低く、非特異的なバンドを検出せず、高い特異性を示すため、プルダウンアッセイを劇的に向上させます。 動画では、アルパカの「アリス」がGFP-Trap®を含むNano-Trapシリーズの仕組みについて説明しています(言語:英語)。こちらより無料サンプルをご依頼いただけます。
GFP-Trap®、mNeonGreen-Trap、TurboGFP-Trap、RFP-Trap®の特異性は、参考資料:各蛍光タンパク質への特異性(fluorescent protein specificity)[PDF]を参照してください。
Which GFP-Trap should I use for my immunoprecipitation?
The GFP-Trap consists of the ChromoTek anti-GFP Nanobody/ VHH that is coupled to 3 different types of beads or is immobilized in a 96 multiwell plate.
Non visible textThe best anti-GFP antibody for immunoprecipitation
GFP-Trap consists of an anti-GFP VHH (green circle), derived from camelidae (alpaca, llama, camel, dromedaries, etc.) heavy chain antibodies. The anti-GFP...
Non visible textWhy is the Fab-Trap™ so Fab-ulous?
The Fab-Trap™ is an IP reagent based on a Fab-fragment of a conventional antibody that is covalently coupled to Agarose beads. Fab-Traps™ offer several advantages in IP...
Non visible textGreen fluorescent protein (GFP) in plant research
GFP is increasingly being used as a universal reporter in plant biology from the cellular to whole plant level:...
Non visible textMyc-Trap for IP and affinity purification
Myc-Trap’s performance has been optimized for immunoprecipitation (IP/Co-IP) and affinity purification of Myc-tagged proteins...
Non visible textVirus research using GFP
The interaction between the Nanobody and GFP is extraordinarily stable and efficient. This allows using cell lysate originating from many different organisms that require a multitude of different IP conditions...
Non visible textWhich GFP-Trap should I use for my immunoprecipitation?
The GFP-Trap consists of the ChromoTek anti-GFP Nanobody/ VHH that is coupled to 3 different types of beads or is immobilized in a 96 multiwell plate.
Non visible textThe best anti-GFP antibody for immunoprecipitation
GFP-Trap consists of an anti-GFP VHH (green circle), derived from camelidae (alpaca, llama, camel, dromedaries, etc.) heavy chain antibodies. The anti-GFP...
Non visible textWhy is the Fab-Trap™ so Fab-ulous?
The Fab-Trap™ is an IP reagent based on a Fab-fragment of a conventional antibody that is covalently coupled to Agarose beads. Fab-Traps™ offer several advantages in IP...
Non visible textGreen fluorescent protein (GFP) in plant research
GFP is increasingly being used as a universal reporter in plant biology from the cellular to whole plant level:...
Myc-Trap for IP and affinity purification
Myc-Trap’s performance has been optimized for immunoprecipitation (IP/Co-IP) and affinity purification of Myc-tagged proteins...
Virus research using GFP
The interaction between the Nanobody and GFP is extraordinarily stable and efficient. This allows using cell lysate originating from many different organisms that require a multitude of different IP conditions...
Non visible text